C.Lin Emeritus Professor
C.Lin (林強)
PhD, University of California, Berkeley
Fields of Interest
‧ Nuclear power plant reactor core reload design automation/optimization
‧ Nuclear power plant control system design
Research Statement
The reactor core reload design includes fuel lattices design, axial fuel assembly design (BWR only), loading pattern design, and control rod pattern design (BWR only). The optimization algorithm will be applied to achieve automatic design objective for each module. Then, the large- scale automation/optimization system that contains these modules will be developed in a coupled way. The success of the research will dramatically reduce the design effort.
Publications (Selected):
1. C-S Lee and C. Lin, 2006 Jan., “Optimization of the power ascension path for a boiling water reactor using genetic algorithms”, Ann. Nucl. Energy 33, pp. 53-61.
2. Y.Y. Lin, H.W. Wei, K.C. Leou, H. Lin, C.H. Tung, M.T. Wei, C. Lin, and C.H. Tsai, 2006 Jan., “Experimental characterization of an inductively coupled acetylene/hydrogen plasma for carbon nanofiber synthesis”, J. Vac. Sci. Technol. B, vol. 24, pp. 97-103.
3. C-H Chang, K-C Leou, C-H Chen, and C. Lin, 2006 Aug., ”Measurements of time resolved RF impedance of a pulsed inductively coupled Ar plasma”, Plasma Source Sci. Technol. vol. 15(3), pp. 338-344.
4. C.H. Chang, C.H. Hsieh, H.T. Wang, J.Y. Jeng, K.C. Leou, and C. Lin, 2007 Jan., ”A transmission-line microwave interferometer for plasma electron density measurements”, Plasma Source Sci. Technol. vol. 16, 67-71.
5. C. Lin, K.-C. Leou, Y.-H. Fan, T.-C. Li, K.-H. Chang, L.-S. Lee, and P.-J. Tzeng, 2007, May, “Effects of in situ N2 plasma treatment on etch of HfO2 in inductively coupled Cl2/N2 plasmas”, J. Vac. Sci. Technol. A vol. 25, pp. 592-596.
6. C-S Lee and C. Lin, 2007, Sept. ”Automatic Search of the Power Ascension Path for a Boiling Water Reactor Using Genetic Algorithm and Neural Network” Nucl. Technol., vol. 159, 256-266.
7. C. Lin, K.-C. Leou, T.-C. Li, L.-S. Lee, and P.-J. Tzeng, 2008 Sep., “Feedback control of HfO2 etch processing in inductively coupled Cl2/N2/Ar plasmas “, J. Vac. Sci. Technol. A 26, 1282-1286.
8. C. Lin, K.-C. Leou, H.-M. Huang, and C.-H. Hsieh, 2009 Jan/Feb, “Feedback control of plasma electron density and ion energy in an inductively coupled plasma etcher”, J. Vac. Sci. Technol. A 27, 157-164.
9. C.-D. Wang and C. Lin, 2009 Aug., “Automatic boiling water reactor loading pattern design using ant colony optimization algorithm”, Ann. Nucl. Energy 36, 1151-1157
10. C. Lin and W.-T. Yen, 2010 May, “Automatic Power Ascension Search for a Boiling Water Reactor using Ant Colony Optimization Algorithm”, Ann. Nucl. Energy
(+886) (03) 5715131 ext.62246
ESSBuilding, R315
National Tsing Hua University
Department of Engineering and System Science
Sec. 2, Kuang-Fu Road, Hsinchu, 30013, Taiwan
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