Chou, Hwai-Pwu Emeritus Professor

Curriculum Vitae
Prof. Dr. Hwai-Pwu Chou
Department of Engineering and System Science
National Tsing Hua University (NTHU)
Hsinchu, Taiwan 300
Tel +886 3 571 9134 or 3 574 2665
Fax +886 3 572 0724
Research Interests
Integrated Circuit Design, Nuclear Electronics and I&C System
Employment Record
2002/9 – present Professor; Deputy Dean of Academic Affairs, NTHU
1998/2 – 2001/2 Professor; Chairman of Department of
Engineering and System Science (ESS), NTHU
1992/10 – 1993/5 Visiting Scientist; Reactor Safety Division
Gesellschaft Fur Reaktorsicherheit (GRS), Germany
Joint research on neural network techniques
1989/8 - present Professor
Department of ESS (formal Nuclear Engineering), NTHU
l Teach electric circuit theory, microelectronics, analog IC design
l Research in areas of nuclear electronics, electric circuit design, fault detection and diagnosis, radiation detection and measurement
l Provide consultations for ROC’s Atomic Energy Council on nuclear power plant safety analysis and digital I&C systems
1987/8 – 1989/8 Director of Instrumentation Division
Nuclear Science and Tech. Development Center, NTHU
1987/1 – 1987/7 Visiting Scientist; Instrumentation and Control Division
Oak Ridge National Laboratory, USA
Joint research on signal validation techniques
1982/8 – 1989/8 Associate Professor
Department of Nuclear Engineering, NTHU
l Teach nuclear reactor dynamics, reactor experiments, radiation detection and measurements, numerical analysis
l Research in areas nuclear plant transient analysis, 3D core dynamics modeling, reload core safety analysis, radiation detection and measurement
l Provide consultations for ROC’s Atomic Energy Council on nuclear plant safety, plant transient analysis; co-advisor for exchange student program of Kind Saud University Saudi Arabia (1984/1 – 1986/6)
1981/5 – 1982/7 Engineer; Electronic Division
Argonne National Laboratory, USA
l Project for neutron imaging, position sensitive neutron detector system for Intensive Pulse Neutron Source (INPS)
1976/8 – 1981/4 Research Assistant, School of Nuclear Engineering
l Project for spectrum unfolding for NE213 neutron spectrometer and fission rate measurement for Fast Breeder Blanket Facility (FBBF)
1976/8 – 1981/4 Ph.D. School of Nuclear Enginering
Purdue University, USA
l Research in fission rate measurement, microcomputer controlled nuclear track scanner, fast reactor analysis
1972/8 – 1974/6 MS Department of Nuclear Engineering
National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan
l Research in neutron noise analysis, self-powered neutron detector
1968/8 – 1972/6 BS Department of Nuclear Engineering
National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan
l Senior project in solid state nuclear track detector experiments