201804 - 201805
活動實記──五十四週年系慶暨NE68系友畢業五十週年 reunion
五十四週年系慶暨NE68系友畢業五十週年 Reunion
國立清華大學五十四週年校慶適逢NE68系友畢業五十週年,系友們於校慶日回母校作50 reunion, 核工/工科系友會盡心提供協助,誠摯希望各位學長姐回到母校、母系,有賓至如歸之感。也衷心感謝核工68級、78級的值年學長姐們,於 NE69演講廳、205會議室捐獻三面大電視牆,表示對母系的支持。
欲知NE68系友50 reunion活動花絮,請點擊合照進入全文或點此進入。
- 恭賀本系林孝柔同學 赴日本東京參加2018國際動力、能源及電機工程研討會榮獲最佳報告獎(Best Presentation Award)(論文題目:Transient pressure analysis and air-water interaction in churn flow)(指導教授:陳紹文老師)
- 恭賀巫勇賢教授 研究團隊論文入選2018 Symposium on VLSI Technology頂尖國際會議論文。
國際電機電子工程師學會(Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers,IEEE)電子元件學會(Electron Devices Society)與日本應用物理學會(Japan Society of Applied Physics)主辦的Symposium on VLSI Technology是半導體領域最頂尖國際會議之一,被視為積體電路技術與先進半導體元件開發的指標。被接受的論文不僅需要具備學理上的創新,更需要兼具產業價值與前瞻性,與會者包含世界知名大學、研究中心團隊與國際半導體大廠的研究人員,包括陳坤意同學、黃嬿華同學、高睿彣同學與陳彥孝同學在內的研究團隊,發現HfZrOx鐵電層在Si晶圓上的可靠度問題,如反覆操作下的疲乏(fatigue)效應、印記(imprint)效應以及長時間的狀態保存(retention)劣化效應,在SiGe薄膜上均可以獲得改善,且此改善程度隨著Ge濃度增加而越加明顯。當積體電路技術微縮至3 nm後,原有的Si製程平台有機會轉換至SiGe甚至是Ge平台。
本研究主要的意義在於:以理論及實驗確認未來先進製程轉移至新平台後,鐵電層的品質與可靠度將有更為優異的表現!這對於實現低功率與高速操作的鐵電記憶體與邏輯元件有重要而深遠的影響。 - 潘欽教授和香港城市大學郭位教授合作撰寫的論文:「從可靠度看七彩能源」(A Reliability Look at Energy Development)在Joule 2018年一月號上發表。這是少數曾由世界頂尖學術雜誌發表系統論述能源的論文。Joule為頂尖學術期刊Cell新發行之姊妹期刊。
- 恭喜博士班楊子毅同學(許榮鈞教授指導)榮獲首屆臺大醫學院附設癌醫中心儲備醫學物理師在學就業獎助。
- 碩士班畢業生王予柔同學(潘欽教授指導)榮獲麻省理工學院核子科學與工程系全額獎學金」。
- 恭喜博士班黃品鈞同學(馮玉明教授指導)榮獲行政院原子能委員會核能研究所提供國內大學或學院碩、博士班研究生研究獎助。
- 恭喜碩班何泉漢同學(葉宗洸教授指導)赴捷克CVR暑期實習計畫榮獲教育部106學海築夢計畫。
- 恭喜碩班李郁萱同學(葉宗洸教授指導)參加中華民國防蝕工程學會舉辦的2017防蝕工程論文壁報競賽,獲得優等獎殊榮。
- 恭喜碩班李郁萱同學(葉宗洸教授指導)榮獲107年度NE79國際交流獎學金20萬,赴瑞士保羅謝爾研究所暑期實習交流。
- 恭喜李國威博士(許榮鈞、江祥輝教授指導),以其博士論文為主體的作品「全能域高靈敏度中子能譜偵檢系統」榮獲核能研究所第49周年所慶研發成果競賽甲等獎(保健物理組推薦參選)。
- 恭喜陳紹文副教授參加ISNE-2018 國際研討會榮獲「Best Paper Award (優秀論文獎)」。
Tenured or Tenure-Track Faculty Positions Available (Expertise on Metallic and Energy Materials),
Department of Engineering and System Science, National Tsing Hua University
Department of Engineering and System Science, National Tsing Hua University (NTHU), Taiwan, invites applications for a tenured or tenure track faculty position in the research areas of electron microscopy analysis, metallic and energy materials, including transmission electron microscopy, processing, characterization, and synthesis of metallic alloys, alloy corrosion, and materials for fuel cells, solar cells, energy generation and storage. Additional research expertise in nuclear materials is highly preferred. All levels of faculty positions are available. The applicant must hold a Ph.D. degree in engineering, applied science, or a closely related discipline and demonstrate promising excellence in research and teaching.
In addition to exercising personal expertise in research, a new faculty member is advised to closely collaborate with other colleagues and would be responsible for offering both undergraduate and graduate level courses. These courses include those in basic and advanced engineering and in materials related areas such as Introduction to Materials Science, Thermodynamics of Materials, Physical Metallurgy, Corrosion Engineering, Transmission Electron Microscopy, Nuclear Structural Materials etc. Teaching in English is required in some courses.
A letter of application, curriculum vitae, research interests and plans, teaching plans, a summary of past teaching evaluations if available, transcripts of both undergraduate and graduate degrees, and a list of three expert references should be sent before August 20th 2018 for the position starting in early 2019. Please note that reference letters are not required for the moment but should be readily available upon request. Candidates should direct their applications to Prof. Wei-Keng Lin (wklin@ess.nthu.edu.tw), Chairman of Department of Engineering and System Science, National Tsing Hua University, No. 101, Sec. 2, Kuang Fu Road, Hsinchu 300, Taiwan.