恭賀歐陽汎怡教授指導學生張偉晟同學以論文:The effect of radiation damage in nanotwinned high entropy thin film with the investigation of synchrotron radiation.,榮獲TVS-2023口頭論文競賽優等獎 - 國立清華大學工程與系統科學系

恭賀歐陽汎怡教授指導學生張偉晟同學以論文:The effect of radiation damage in nanotwinned high entropy thin film with the investigation of synchrotron radiation.,榮獲TVS-2023口頭論文競賽優等獎

作者:Wei-Cheng Chang1 (張偉晟), Fan-Yi Ouyang2* The effect of radiation damage in nanotwinned high entropy thin film with the investigation of synchrotron radiation., TVS-2023口頭論文競賽優等獎
