H.Y Wang (王翔郁)
PhD, Purdue University
Research Statement
Renewable Energy, Bioenergy, Microfluidics, High-throughput Screening
Publications (Selected):
- BS Lin, YC Yang, CY Ho, HY Yang, HY Wang*. PDMS-Based Cylindrical Hybrid Lens for Enhanced Fluorescence Detection in Microfluidic Systems. Sensors (2014), accepted. [SCI, IF=1.953]
- TH Lee, JS Chang, HY Wang*, Current development of high-throughput analysis for microalgae cellular contents. Biotechnology Journal (2013) 8 (11) , pp. 1301-1314. [SCI, IF = 3.446]
- TH Lee, JS Chang, HY Wang*, Rapid and in Vivo Quantification of Cellular Lipids in Chlorella vulgaris Using Near-Infrared Raman Spectrometry. Analytical Chemistry 85 (2013), 2155-2160 [SCI/EI, IF=5.695]
- HY Wang*, JY Su, Membraneless microfluidic microbial fuel cell for rapid detection of electrochemical activity of microorganism. Bioresource Technology (2013) 145 , pp. 271-274 [SCI, IF = 4.750]
- DT Tran, BH Le, DJ Lee, CL Chen, HY Wang, JS Chang*, Microalgae harvesting and subsequent biodiesel conversion. Bioresource Technology (2013) 140 , pp. 179-186 [SCI, IF = 4.750]
- CY Huang*, CA Li, HY Wang, TM Liou, The application of temperature-sensitive paints for surface and fluid temperature measurements in both thermal developing and fully developed regions of a microchannel. Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering (2013), 23 art. no. 037001 [SCI/EI, IF = 1.790]
- YY Chen, ZM Chen, HY Wang*, Enhanced fluorescence detection using liquid-liquid extraction in a microfluidic droplet system. Lab on a Chip 12(2012), 4569-4575 [SCI, IF=6.5]
- YH Hsu, LC Su, HY Wang*, Enhanced labeling of microalgae cellular lipids using alternating current electric field. Bioresource Technology 111(2012), 323-327 [SCI, IF = 4.365]
- HY Wang *, A Bernarda, CY Huang, DJ Lee, JS Chang. Micro-sized microbial fuel cell: a mini review, Bioresource Technology, 102(2011), 235-243. [SCI, IF= 4.253]
- 王翔郁*, 微流體系統中的生物分子與細胞光學量測, 化工 (Chemical Engineering :The Taiwan I. Ch. E.), 2011. 58(4): p. 64-81.
- T Geng, Y Zhan, HY Wang, SR Witting, KG Cornetta and C Lu. Flow-through electroporation based on constant voltage for large-volume transfection of cells. Journal of Controlled Release, 144 (2010), 91-100. [SCI/EI, IF= 5.949]
- 王翔郁*, 微流體電穿孔技術, 化工 (Chemical Engineering :The Taiwan I. Ch. E.), 56:4 (2009), 90-109.
- M Yu, HY Wang, AT Woolley*. Polymer microchip CE of proteins either off- or on-chip labeled with chameleon dye for simplified analysis, Electrophoresis, 30 (2009), 4230–4236. [SCI/EI, IF= 3.077]
- W Yang, X Sun, HY Wang, and AT Woolley*. Integrated Microfluidic Device for Serum Biomarker Quantitation Using Either Standard Addition or a Calibration Curve., Analytical Chemistry, 81 (2009), 8230–8235. [SCI/EI, IF= 5.214]
- HY Wang, N Bao and C Lu*. A micro-bioreactor array with individually addressable chambers, Biosensors and Bioelectronics 24 (2008) 613-617. [SCI, IF= 5.429]
- J Wang, N Bao, LL Paris, HY Wang, RL Geahlen, and C Lu*. Detection of kinase translocation using microfluidic electroporative flow cytometry. Analytical Chemistry 80 (2008) 1087-1093. [SCI/EI, IF= 5.214]
- HY Wang and C Lu *. Microfluidics-based electroporative delivery of small molecules and genes into cells using a common DC power supply. Biotechnology & Bioengineering 100 (2008) 579-586. [SCI/EI, IF= 3.377]
- HY Wang, PB Banada, AK Bhunia, C Lu *. Rapid electrical lysis of bacterial cells in a microfluidic device. Methods in Molecular Biology 385 (2007) 23-35.
- F Wang, H Wang, J Wang, HY Wang, PL Rummel, SV Garimella and C Lu *. Microfluidic delivery of chemical molecules into mammalian cells based on hydrodynamic focusing. Biotechnology & Bioengineering 100 (2007) 150-158. [SCI/EI, IF= 3.377]
- HY Wang and C Lu *. Electroporation of mammalian cells in a microfluidic channel with geometric variation. Analytical Chemistry 78 (2006) 5158-5164. [SCI/EI, IF= 5.214]
- HY Wang and C Lu *. Microfluidic chemical cytometry based on modulation of local field strength. Chemical Communications (2006) 3528-3530. [SCI/EI, IF= 5.504]
- HY Wang and C Lu *. High-throughput and real-time study of single cell electroporation using microfluidics: effects of medium osmolarity. Biotechnology & Bioengineering 95 (2006) 1116-1125. [SCI/EI, IF= 3.377]
- HY Wang, AK Bhunia and C Lu *. A microfluidic flow-through device for high throughput electrical lysis of bacterial cells based on continuous DC voltage, Biosensors & Bioelectronics 22 (2006) 582-588. [SCI, IF= 5.429]
(+886) (03)5715131 ext.34243
LTM Building 608
National Tsing Hua University
Department of Engineering and System Science
Sec. 2, Kuang-Fu Road, Hsinchu, 30013, Taiwan
For More Information: