Fan-Yi Ouyang (歐陽汎怡)
Our research interest is in Si-based and diffusion driven materials science for modern microelectronic, opto-electronic, bio-sensor, and MEMS devices. The research in our lab currently focuses on the following topics but are not limited to:
● Diffusion mechanism and microstructural evolution under current stressing (Electromigration), a
temperature gradient(Thermomigration), and a stress gradient (Stress-migration) on the Pb-free solders utilized in the flip chip and three-dimensional integrated circuits (3D IC) technologies
● Fabrication of Cu nano-thin film and diffusion mechanism of Cu under current Stressing
● Chemical reaction and kinetics mechanism between under-bump metallization and Sn
1. Fan-Yi Ouyang*, K. N. Tu, Yi-Shao Lai, and Andriy M. Gusak, “Effect of entropy production on microstructure change in eutectic SnPb flip chip solder joints by thermomigration.” Appl. Phys. Lett., 89, 221906 (2006).
2. Fan-Yi Ouyang*, Kai Chen, K. N. Tu, and Yi-Shao Lai, "Effect of current crowding on whisker growth at the anode in flip chip solder joints," Appl Phys. Lett., 91, 231919 (2007).
3. Fan-Yi Ouyang*, K. N. Tu, Chin-Li Kao, and Yi-Shao Lai, “Effect of electromigration in the anodic Al interconnect on melting of flip chip solder joints,” Appl. Phys. Lett., 90, 211914 (2007).
4. Jia-Hong Huang*, Fan-Yi Ouyang, G. P. Yu, “Effect of film thickness and Ti interlayer on the structure and properties of nanocrystalline TiN thin film on AISI D2 steel.”,Surface and Coatings Technology, 201, 7043 (2007).
5. Matt Pharr, Kejie Zhao, Zhigang Suo*, Fan-Yi Ouyang and Pilin Liu. Concurrent electromigration and creep in lead-free solder. Journal of Applied Physics 110, 083716 (2011).
6. Fan-Yi Ouyang*, and C.-L. Kao, “In situ observation of thermomigration of Sn atoms to the hot end of 96.5Sn-3Ag-0.5Cu flip chip solder joints”, J. Appl. Phys., 110, 123525 (2011)
7. Fan-Yi Ouyang*, Hao Hsu, Yu-ping Su and Tao-Chih Chang, “Electromigration induced failure on lead-free micro bumps in three-dimensional integrated circuits packaging”, J. Appl. Phys., 110, 123525 (2012)
8. Fan-Yi Ouyang*, K.N. Tu and Yi-Shao Lai, “Effect of electromigration induced joule heating and strain on microstructural recrystallization in eutectic SnPb flip chip solder joints”, Materials Chemistry and physics, 136, 210 (2012)
9. Hsin-Fang Lee, Ji-Jung Kai, Pang-Chun Liu, Wei-Chen Chang, Fan-Yi Ouyang, and Hsiu-Ting Chan, “A comparative study of charge transport in quasi-solid state dye-sensitized solar cells using polymer or nanocomposite gel electrolytes”, Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry 687 45–50 (2012)
10. Hsin-Fang Lee, Jhih-Lin Wu,Po-ya Hsu, Yung-Liang Tung, Fan-Yi Ouyang,and Ji-Jung Kai, “Enhanced photovoltaic performance and long-term stability of dye-sensitized solar cells by incorporating SiO2nanoparticles in a binary ionic liquid electrolyte ”, Thin solid films, In Press (2012)
11. Chih Chen*, Hsiang-Yao Hsiao, Yuan-Wei Chang, Fanyi Ouyang*, and K. N. Tu “Thermomigration in Solder Joint”, Materials Science & Engineering R, In Press (2012)