2023/11/22 歡迎 Department of Chemistry, University College London, Prof. Sir Richard Catlow 進行演講,講題:Simulation, Synchrotron Radiation & Neutron Scattering Studies of Catalytic Materials - 國立清華大學工程與系統科學系

2023/11/22 歡迎 Department of Chemistry, University College London, Prof. Sir Richard Catlow 進行演講,講題:Simulation, Synchrotron Radiation & Neutron Scattering Studies of Catalytic Materials


本次邀請到 Department of Chemistry, University College London, Prof. Sir Richard Catlow 進行專題演講

講題:Simulation, Synchrotron Radiation & Neutron Scattering Studies of Catalytic Materials

時間:2023/11/22 15:20 ~ 17:20
